30″ Hestan Outdoor Refreshment Center


The Hestan refreshment center combines the ultimate in precision performance with innovative design. The stainless steel construction provides long-lasting durability, while the heavy-duty insulation ensures your food and drinks are chilled to the perfect temperature. The refreshment center also combines a heavy-gauge insulated sink and faucet with an ice bin to serve as your wet bar.

Circle Callout FullyInsulatesSeamlessSink

Fully-Insulated Seamless Sink

Comes equipped with large drain hole for mounting disposer (disposer not included).

Circle Callout RemovableInsulatedIceBin

Removable Insulated Ice Bin

With sliding stainless steel cover keeps ice on hand for the next cocktail (sold as accessory on GIS30 & GISHS30 models).

Circle Callout OutdoorRatedFaucet


Stainless steel faucet with pull-out spray is backed by a 10-year warranty (faucet included).


  • Stainless steel construction provides long-lasting durability, while the heavy-duty insulation ensures food and drinks are chilled to perfection.
  • Stainless speed rail keeps your spirits at the ready (standard speed rail included with GRC30 and GRCHS30 models, slim Marquise AccentedTM speed rail included with GIS30 and GISHS30).


If you have a really big project in mind, like adding an outside kitchen that’s perfect for entertaining,
turning to general is a good decision.